Shipley Stories

Meet Chase '24

Chase Leibowitz
Duke University
Major/Area of Interest: Computer Science and Economics/Management
Years at Shipley: 12
Activities and Positions Held:
DECA (Treasurer), Gator Capital Management (President), Varsity Baseball (Captain), Science Olympiad
Who was your most influential teacher and why?
I can’t think of a single teacher who had a greater impact on me than Dr. Rebholz. In fact, there are very few people in general who had a bigger influence on me over the past few years. I often say that he’s been more of a mentor to me than a teacher. I remember first sitting in his Pre-Calculus Honors class in eleventh grade, having a history of not being the strongest math student, and having just completed a summer course that gave me a new interest in mathematics. We immediately bonded over our shared interest in finance and economics, having abstract discussions on general financial topics after classes and during break periods. Dr. Rebholz cultivated my curiosity in economics, mathematics, and quantitative finance in a way that I couldn’t even begin to describe. Whether it be helping me decide which colleges to apply to and attend, discussing new market movements, or potential internship opportunities, I’ve enjoyed nothing more than standing in Doc’s doorway during break talking with him.
What was your favorite class and why?
My independent study in Mathematical Finance let me pursue my strongest interest through college-level coursework in a way I never thought possible in high school. My immense curiosity led me to pursue further knowledge in this field. The independent study format combined with Doc’s extensive knowledge of the field let my mind run free to learn as much as I could. I absolutely loved sitting in the math center with him and Ben talking about general concepts and specific applications, especially option pricing case studies. Learning advanced mathematical concepts like Brownian motion and the Black-Scholes model in high school was ever-gratifying. In fact, I had two conversations with college professors who were incredibly surprised when they learned I understood these topics in high school. I consider myself to have a very curious mind, and this independent study let me pursue advanced knowledge in a way I never even considered in high school. I should also mention that I experienced the same pursuit of advanced study in my machine learning independent study course, facilitated by MIT OpenCourseWare, and have enjoyed that greatly.
What was your most memorable experience at Shipley?
I thoroughly enjoyed competing with Shipley’s DECA team over the past three years. I was fortunate enough to make it to the International Competition each year, placing first, second, and third in Pennsylvania. By qualifying for Internationals, I traveled to Atlanta, Orlando, and Anaheim, CA, and got to meet incredible students from all over the world. At this year’s Internationals, I had the pleasure of representing Shipley well as an International Finalist (top 20 in the world).
What does Courage for the Deed; Grace for the Doing mean to you?
The School’s motto captures the essence of challenging yourself to do hard things and completing them well. Courage for the Deed is all about stepping out of your comfort zone to try new things that you may fail at. Grace for the Doing adds that you must do your best in everything you attempt—that when trying something new, you must put in your best effort as a Shipley student/alumnus.
Complete this sentence: Shipley prepared me to…
Shipley prepared me to seek out challenges in every way possible and to let my curiosity lead me to them.
How did Shipley prepare you to be your best self and do your best work?
Through the independent study program specifically, Shipley let me pursue high-level coursework in the fields that interest me the most. This allowed my interest in these fields to grow practically at light speed—Shipley cultivated my curiosities. By being a playground where I can learn anything I want, Shipley prepared me for a lifetime of learning and constant improvement. Simultaneously, I was challenged in my courses—especially in those that aren’t my main areas of interest. This turned me into a well-rounded individual who puts his all into everything, whether it be of interest or not.
How did Shipley encourage you to take risks?
Shipley let me challenge myself as much as possible—especially in taking six honors majors, with two at the college level. Shipley created an environment where I can challenge myself to push my limits and have a crash pad to fall on.
The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.