Shipley Stories

Meet Emil '24

Emil Hartung
Major/Area of Interest: Biomedical Engineering
Gap Year
(Planning to stay with a grandmother in Frankfurt and work nearby, Volunteering in Spain, and Interning)
Years at Shipley: 4
Activities and Positions Held:
Soccer, Squash, Crew, DECA
Who was your most influential teacher and why?
Ms. Willing was my most influential teacher because she supported me regardless of the circumstances. When I was having a hard time last year, she gave me advice and let me have some extra time to finish assessments. She has always been very personable and is fun to talk to outside of class.
What was your favorite class and why?
My favorite class was Positive Psychology, taught by Dr. Holton. Even though that class was never brought back after I took it in 9th grade, it has always been one of the most memorable classes at Shipley. Dr. Holton gave us useful information and was always attuned to the dynamic of our class. Since it was a minor, we did not meet very often, but each class was special on its own. I feel like I wasn't able to take advantage of all of the information I learned about since I was so young. I would have loved to take Positive Psychology again this year, so I hope it makes a return to Shipley.
What was your most memorable experience at Shipley?
One of my most memorable experiences at Shipley was when I first learned about winning DECA States. My partner Chase and I were in our first year and had no experience going into our event. However, we were excited to participate and had a good mentality going into the event. Upon returning to school from DECA States, our expectations were low. When someone first told us about our win, we couldn't believe it. Once it was confirmed, Chase and I were in disbelief and so happy about the prospect of going to DECA Nationals.
What does Courage for the Deed; Grace for the Doing mean to you?
Shipley's motto means facing any difficult task head-on and persevering. It means performing at a high level despite the intense nature of the task. I have tried to apply these sentiments to my own life, and it has helped me tremendously.
Complete this sentence: Shipley prepared me to…
Shipley prepared me to be independent in the real world and be successful in an academic setting.
How did Shipley prepare you to be your best self and do your best work?
Shipley prepared me to be my best self and do my best work by rewarding discipline and having an expectation of excellence.
How did Shipley encourage you to take risks?
Shipley encouraged me to take risks by making me feel more comfortable about myself. When I first came to Shipley in 9th grade, I didn't know anybody. I had to learn to approach strangers and act in a way that reflects a positive image of myself. Now, I feel more comfortable meeting new people and putting myself in new situations.
Please write a short reflection on your time at Shipley and what it has meant to you.
Being at Shipley for the last few years has been a rollercoaster. I came to Shipley during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was an uncertain time for everybody. Rules and regulations were constantly changing, which made it harder to settle in. I had my fair share of academic and social challenges over the past few years, but I thank Shipley for shaping me into the person I am today.
The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.