Shipley Stories

Meet Josh '24

Josh Cohen
Virginia Tech
Major/Area of Interest: Engineering
Years at Shipley: 4
Activities and Positions Held:
Chess Club – VP Science Olympiad, Baseball, Math Club - Co-Captain Dungeons & Dragons
Who was your most influential teacher and why?
The most influential teacher I had was Mr. Farr. He really encouraged me to take harder math-based classes. Without him, I wouldn't have taken Newtonian Mechanics.
What was your favorite class and why?
My favorite class at Shipley was Engineering Design. I loved how much freedom we had in brainstorming, planning, and eventually building a product of our own creation. This course really gave me a good background in learning how to empathize with clients so you’re able to make what they need, not what you think they need.
What was your most memorable experience at Shipley?
My most memorable Shipley experience was going to the Phillies game. I am a big baseball fan, so I was really happy when it was announced that the Junior trip would be to a Phillies game. I enjoyed watching the game with friends and explaining the rules to friends that had not watched baseball before.
What does Courage for the Deed; Grace for the Doing mean to you?
These are Shipley core values. You are brave enough to do the deed in the first place. You don't need someone to force you to do service. Grace is the goodwill you feel when doing that service either from the people you’re helping or just that gut feeling in your heart.
Complete this sentence: Shipley prepared me to…
Be a successful college student.
How did Shipley prepare you to be your best self and do your best work?
Shipley prepared me to be my best self by engraining organizational skills. With ShipleyNet, I was always able to visualize when assignments were due. With this information I was able to plan out my schedule and when I would complete assignments. This skill will be very important in the future.
How did Shipley encourage you to take risks?
I came to Shipley in high school and only knew a few of the students that went to Shipley. Shipley encouraged me to do at least one club and sport every year. I'm not a person who will purposefully put myself out there, but with Shipley's wide variety of clubs, it was easy to find activities I liked and wanted to participate in. This really helped me find a place to belong while at Shipley.
Please write a short reflection on your time at Shipley and what it has meant to you.
I really enjoyed my time at Shipley. I came during COVID because it was the only school in the area doing in-person learning and I stayed because I really enjoyed it here. I got many more opportunities at Shipley than I would have gotten at a bigger public school. In the end, Shipley ended up being perfect for me in working through my time management issues and organization skills. With the small class sizes, teachers were really able to focus on the students and I really like that luxury. Going to Shipley might have been the best decision I made in my high school career.

The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.