Shipley Stories

Meet Cooper '24

Cooper Cella
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Major/Area of Interest: Ceramics
Years at Shipley: 7
Activities and Positions Held:
Drama Club (President), Squash, Tennis, Director of Fall and Spring Theater Productions
Who was your most influential teacher and why?
Despite only having him for one year a long time ago, Mr. Stetina is still one of the most memorable teachers I have ever had. He was a wonderful teacher and a wonderful person who made my middle school experience a thousand times better.
What was your favorite class and why?
My Literature of the Natural Landscape class was a very interesting and unique class that had a lot of very enjoyable content that stuck in my mind and kept me thinking - even now.
What does Courage for the Deed; Grace for the Doing mean to you?
To maintain your reputation and respect even in the low and dirty moments of life.
Complete this sentence: Shipley prepared me to…
Meet new people.
How did Shipley prepare you to be your best self and do your best work?
I believe we never stop learning and I am ready to keep learning after Shipley.
How did Shipley encourage you to take risks?
I've always been able to try something out of the box when I wanted to in almost any class I've had here.
Please write a short reflection on your time at Shipley and what it has meant to you.
Shipley has been the site of some of my most important and self-realizing years. I can confidently say I would have turned out different (and probably worse) had I been somewhere else.
The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.