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  • July

    Meet Alanna '24

    I was surrounded by so many role models. Shipley taught me that it is OK to ask for help in academics, athletics, or even just your personal life. If I never asked for help, I don't think I would have become the student or athlete that I am today.
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  • Meet Amber '24

    As an international student, Shipley helped me transition to a different culture. Shipley’s academic curriculum helped me develop skills such as analytical writing and creative thinking. The community of Shipley also introduced me to a wide range of unique and interesting teachers, faculty, and friends.
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  • Meet Amber '24

    Ms. Willing was definitely the most influential teacher I had. I had the opportunity to have her as both an advisor and a teacher. She was always there for me and helped me with any problem I had.
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  • Meet Arsema '24

    I believe that over the years I was encouraged to strive to be the best, or at least to be confident in everything that I do. It has taught me that true results come with the hard work that is put in.
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  • Meet Avery '24

    Shipley prepared me for academics in college and how important it is to reach out to teachers for help with school.
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  • Meet Benji '24

    Shipley encouraged me to take risks every day whether it's welcoming a newer kid and making him feel at home or trying to push myself at work and strive to do better.
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  • Meet Chase '24

    Shipley let me pursue high-level coursework in the fields that interest me the most. Shipley cultivated my curiosities and prepared me for a lifetime of learning and constant improvement.
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  • Meet Cooper '24

    Shipley has been the site of some of my most important and self-realizing years. I can confidently say I would have turned out different (and probably worse) had I been somewhere else.
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  • Meet Emil '24

    Shipley’s motto means facing any difficult task head-on and persevering. It means performing at a high level despite the intense nature of the task. I have tried to apply these sentiments to my own life, and it has helped me tremendously.
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  • Meet Emma '24

    Dr. Rebholz really helped me understand that classes can be hard but still fun and interesting. He also helped me start to get interested in economics.
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  • Meet Ethan '24

    The overall environment encourages everyone to try things outside of their comfort zone. I never thought that I'd run for All School President, but I decided to run and it turned out to be a great decision and became one of my favorite parts of my Shipley experience.
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  • Meet Jaden '24

    The education Shipley provides transformed me into a better version of myself. I can look back and say that I improved in every aspect of my life. I feel more confident in my abilities as a student and as a learner.
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  • Meet Jordyn '24

    At Shipley, I gained skills that will help me academically and socially in so many different ways. I know that I will always put my best foot forward in the future because of Shipley.
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  • Meet Josh '24

    Shipley provided many more opportunities than a bigger public school. Shipley ended up being perfect for me in working through my time management and organizational skills. With the small class sizes, teachers were really able to focus on the students.
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  • Meet Julia '24

    To me, Shipley is all about community and "building the house." My time here has been meaningful and allowed me to develop lifelong friendships, while stepping out of my comfort zone to try new things.
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  • Meet Max '24

    Shipley taught me how to manage myself well while giving me high-quality instruction and support along the way.
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  • Meet Nick '24

    Shipley taught me to balance my personal, work, and academic lives in a way that lets me enjoy all of them equally.
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  • Meet Omoy '24

    Shipley prepared me to be a changemaker and not be afraid to take risks. I also feel like Shipley taught me how to use my resources and be a self-advocate.
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  • Meet Sam '24

    Throughout my ten years at Shipley, I grew a lot. I not only became a better student, but I also learned how to communicate with people better. I overall became a better person due to the amazing teachers and friends that surrounded me.
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  • Meet Sam '24

    Courage for the Deed; Grace for the Doing means to support and uplift the community through selflessness and inclusion.
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  • Meet Shaira '24

    The teachers at this school are amazing. They want to know you as a person and not just as a student, and that goes a long way. All the teachers want to see you do your best always, and will make the time to help you no matter what. 
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  • Meet Sophie '24

    I think Shipley prepared me for college and contributed to making me into the person I am today. I am beyond grateful for the teachers at Shipley.
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  • Meet Trevor '24

    The most meaningful part of my Shipley experience has always been the people and the community. I appreciate all the teachers who helped me along the way, and all my classmates who have stood by each other. Go Gators!
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  • Meet Vera '24

    Shipley prepared me for college with a rigorous course load. Shipley taught me how to analyze and write, the most valuable skill I learned. I also learned how to ask questions in class and not to be afraid of making a mistake or saying something incorrect.
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The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.