
Please contact your school district directly if you have questions about bus routes or logistics. Phone numbers for each district are listed under Participating Districts on this page.

Getting to and from Shipley

The Shipley School is accessible via many forms of transportation. Local school districts provide transportation by bus service. In addition, Shipley is within one block of the SEPTA Paoli/Thorndale regional rail line. See below for more details on various modes of transportation.

List of 7 items.

  • Busing Information

    School districts provide busing for students who reside within *10 miles of Bryn Mawr. The 19 school districts described in the section below provide free bus transportation for students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 12 unless otherwise noted. Additionally, several school districts require students in Kindergarten to be age 5 by September 1st. (*See for exact details.)

    Once a student is enrolled at Shipley, Shipley will send proof of enrollment to the school district. Once school districts receive this information the district is responsible for coordination and communication of bus routes and all issues related to busing.
  • Busing - Participating School Districts & Phone Numbers

    Please note that we recommend you confirm your student's transportation eligibility as school districts' requirements are subject to change.

    Colonial - 610-834-1670
    Great Valley - 610-889-2133
    Haverford - 610-853-5929
    Lower Merion - 610-645-1940 
    Marple Newtown* - 610-359-4200
    Methacton - 610-489-5000
    Norristown - 610-630-5000
    Philadelphia* - 215-400-4350
    Radnor - 610-293-1947
           Rose Tree Media - 610-627-6475
    Springfield Delaware County* - 484-472-6750
    Springfield Montgomery County - 215-233-6095
    Tredyffrin-Easttown* - 610-240-1680
    Wallingford Swarthmore - 610-892-3470
    Upper Darby - 610-352-7112
    Upper Merion - 610-205-6485
    William Penn - 610-284-8005
    Wissahickon - 215-619-8114
    *Marple Newtown buses grades 1 and up
    *Philadelphia buses grades 1-8 and provides trans-passes for grades 9–12
    *Springfield Delaware County buses grades 1 and up
    *Tredyffrin-Easttown buses KG students one-way 
  • How do I register my child(ren) for busing?

    All busing requests must be made through The Shipley School BEFORE a student is eligible with their public school district. Families can notify Shipley in any of the following ways:
  • Trains

    Shipley is one block from the Bryn Mawr train station on SEPTA's Paoli/Thorndale Line (formerly the R5). Trains originating from both east and west make stops at the Bryn Mawr station approximately every half hour and more frequently during rush hour. Timetables and further information are available from SEPTA at 215-574-7800, or on the web at
  • Car Pools

    The Shipley School does not have any formal arrangement for car pools. However, parent coordinators or a neighboring parent might be able to help.
  • PA Department of Education - Transportation Information

    The document "Pupil Transportation Q & A (PDF)" on will answer many questions pertaining to the transportation of school students.
  • Other Questions?

    If you have any other questions or concerns regarding your district bus transportation that have not been addressed here, please email The Shipley School Transportation Coordinator at


The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.

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