Shipley Stories

Swamp Night is January 24!

Shipley’s annual Swamp Night is on January 24! Bring your family for food and fun with the entire Shipley community. Wear your favorite Shipley gear and join the Shipley Swamp to cheer on our basketball teams! Check out the schedule below for more details. 
3:30 pm - JV Girls Basketball vs Cardinal O'Hara High School
3:30 pm - Varsity Boys Squash vs. Episcopal Academy
3:30 pm -Varsity Girls Squash vs. Episcopal Academy
4:00 - 7:00 pm - Dinner in Piltch Commons
5:00 pm - JV Boys Basketball vs Scholar Athletes Leadership Academy
5:00 pm
- Arts/Crafts/Activities for Lower School Students in Piltch Commons
5:00 pm - Middle School Activity in Riely Theatre
6:00 pm - Movie for Lower School Students in Doc Morinelli Theatre
6:30 pm - Varsity Girls Basketball vs. Life Center Academy
8:00 pm - Varsity Boys Basketball vs Science Leadership Academy


The Shipley School is a private, coeducational day school for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, located in Bryn Mawr, PA. Through our commitment to educational excellence, we develop within each student a love of learning and a desire for compassionate participation in the world.